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Jan 25,2023

Milk Adulteration in India

Milk adulteration is a serious issue in India, where it is estimated that up to 70% of milk sold in the country is adulterated in some way. Adulteration can take many forms, but common examples include the addition of water to milk to increase its volume, the addition of chemicals or other substances to alter the appearance or taste of the milk, and the use of substandard or expired milk.

One of the most commonly used adulterants in milk is water. This is often added to milk in order to increase its volume, making it more profitable for the seller. However, the addition of water can also dilute the nutritional value of the milk and make it less suitable for consumption. In addition, water can also be a source of bacteria, which can lead to foodborne illness if the milk is not properly pasteurized.

Another common adulterant in milk is the use of chemicals or other substances to alter the appearance or taste of the milk. This can include the use of formalin, hydrogen peroxide, and urea, among others. The use of these substances can not only alter the taste of the milk but also can be harmful to human health if consumed.


Another form of milk adulteration is using substandard or expired milk. This can include milk that is past its expiration date, milk that has been stored at improper temperatures, or milk that has been collected from sick or unhealthy animals. This type of milk can be contaminated with bacteria or other harmful substances, and can cause foodborne illness if consumed.

The reasons for milk adulteration in India are multifaceted, but some of the main factors include lack of regulation and enforcement, lack of education and awareness, and poverty. The dairy industry in India is largely unorganized, with a majority of milk being produced by small, unregistered farmers. This makes it difficult for authorities to monitor and regulate the industry, and to ensure that milk is safe for consumption.

In addition, many farmers and milk sellers in India lack education and awareness about the risks of milk adulteration and the importance of proper milk handling and storage. This can lead to practices such as adding water or chemicals to milk without realizing the potential harm to consumers.

Poverty also plays a role in milk adulteration in India, as many farmers and milk sellers are driven to adulterate milk in order to increase their profits and make ends meet. This can be particularly problematic in rural areas, where there may be limited access to markets, education, and resources to produce and sell safe milk.

To combat milk adulteration in India, several steps are being taken by the government and other organizations. These include increasing regulations and enforcement, implementing stricter penalties for those found guilty of milk adulteration, and increasing education and awareness about the risks of milk adulteration and the importance of safe milk handling and storage.

At Kanmani we do 16 types of Adulteration and Quality test to ensure our milk is always above the FSSAI standards.