Kanmani Cow Milk - Subscription starts from 1st April, 2023. Book your free trial now...
Jan 25,2023

Why you should consume Cow Milk?

  1. Nutrient-dense: Fresh raw cow's milk is a rich source of essential nutrients, including protein, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins, and minerals.
  2. High in calcium: Fresh raw cow's milk is particularly high in calcium, which is important for strong bones and teeth.
  3. May improve immune function: Some studies have suggested that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve immune function and reduce the risk of respiratory infections.
  4. May have anti-inflammatory effects: Some research has suggested that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may have anti-inflammatory effects, which may help to reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.
  5. May have anti-carcinogenic effects: Some studies have suggested that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may have anti-carcinogenic effects, meaning it may help to prevent the development of cancer.
  6. May improve gut health: Fresh raw cow's milk contains beneficial bacteria and enzymes that may help to improve gut health and support healthy digestion.
  7. May have anti-allergic effects: Some research has indicated that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may help to reduce the severity of certain allergies, such as eczema and asthma.
  8. May improve skin health: Fresh raw cow's milk contains certain nutrients that are important for healthy skin, including vitamins A and D and fatty acids.
  9. May improve bone health: The high calcium content of fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve bone density and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, particularly in older adults.
  10. May have anti-aging effects: Some people believe that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may help to reduce the signs of aging, such as wrinkles and age spots.
  11. May improve hair health: The nutrients in fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve the health and appearance of hair.
  12. May improve eye health: The vitamins in fresh raw cow's milk, particularly vitamin A, may help to improve eye health and reduce the risk of certain eye conditions.
  13. May improve cardiovascular health: Some research has suggested that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may help to reduce the risk of certain cardiovascular diseases, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
  14. May improve oral health: The calcium and other nutrients in fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve oral health and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
  15. May improve muscle function: The protein in fresh raw cow's milk may help to support muscle function and repair.
  16. May improve brain function: Some research has indicated that the nutrients in fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve brain function and reduce the risk of certain brain disorders.
  17. May improve sleep: The tryptophan in fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve sleep quality.
  18. May improve athletic performance: The protein and other nutrients in fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve athletic performance.
  19. May improve fertility: Some research has suggested that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may improve fertility in both men and women.
  20. May improve pregnancy outcomes: Some studies have indicated that consuming fresh raw cow's milk during pregnancy may improve pregnancy outcomes and reduce the risk of certain complications.
  21. May improve lactation: The nutrients in fresh raw cow's milk may help to improve lactation in breastfeeding mothers.
  22. May improve weight loss: Some people believe that consuming fresh raw cow's milk may help with weight loss due to its relatively low calorie content and high-quality protein.